Sporttape Interview Head Physio for Wales 7′s

This week Sporttape managed to catch up with Dan Jones, who if not busy travelling the world as the Head Physio for Wales 7′s is Director of Cardiff’s top physiotherapy clinic Health and Sports Physiotherapy.

ST – Playing so many games over a weekend must be hard on the players, whats your favourite app to hold them together?

DJ – From the research, hamstring tears are the most common injury on the IRB sevens series. Due to the high volume of running, with very short rest intervals players experience extremely high levels of fatigue, with the hamstrings becoming symptomatic as the tournaments progress.Combining the hamstring application with physiotherapy treatment helps to reduce soreness, supporting the players through the final stages of a tournament.

ST – As a physio who travels around the world, do you have to be very specific as to what goes in your medical bag? If so, what do you see as essentials?

DJ – SPORTTAPE FLEX is one essential of course! We obviously carry a large amount of kit around the circuit, with strapping being one of the key essentials. I’m sure the players would agree that they wouldn’t see me go too far without the Game Readyunits! Extremely valuable in managing soft tissue injuries.

ST – What are the pro’s and cons of being a physio who is able to travel the world?

DJ – The Pros definitely outweigh the cons!! As a squad we are very fortunate to visit some beautiful parts of the world including Australia, New Zealand, Dubai and Hong Kong. The main negative is that you spend long periods away from family and friends, although it’s a great excuse for them to get away and visit some of the tournaments.

ST – Do you get to have much down time when you are away or is your time taken up treating the players?

DJ – I know the perception may be that the squad get to travel the world seeing all the sights, but in reality there is very little down time. To be fair to the team they are all hugely professional in what they do and how they manage their time, keeping a strong focus on their rugby. Apart from one complete rest day in the week building up to a tournament, the squad will train 2-3 times per day, every day….It genuinely isn’t all that glamorous behind the scenes!

ST – What do you use as a treatment room when you are away?

DJ – My hotel bedroom always doubles up as a treatment room!! This regularly becomes a common room where the players will relax, however believe me the banter can be savage…You need thick skin to survive three years on the circuit!

ST – Do you have any taping tips for anyone looking to use SPORTTAPE before there games on the weekend?

DJ – SPORTTAPE is a great brand and their products are leading the market for quality. If you do have players with muscular soreness or require pro-pricoeptive taping, I recommend using kinesiology taping as part of your treatment options to support your athletes. Here are a few of my favourite apps…

ST – Can you spill any dirt on the players, e.g. biggest lifts, fittest player?

DJ – I would never dream of spilling the dirt on any of the players! BUT…there are a few big lifters in the gym!! The forwards such as Adam Thomas, Jason Harries and Sam Cross would be up there, although I’m sure James Davies wouldn’t be happy without a mention here! In terms of fittest player – that’s a tricky one. You would have to consider those players who have stood the test of time. Players such as Lee Williams and Rhys Shellard have shown great durability, which is key to them performing at the highest level, season after season.

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