Off Feet Conditioning: Rugby Fitness Training

Lower body injuries do happen in rugby so here is a good upper body only workout you can do to keep your fitness up all whilst seated! Check out the video…

Rugby Renegade Off Feet Conditioning Session

The Workout:

A1: Landmine Presses x 15s 

15s Rest

A2: Medball Slams x 15s

15s Rest

A3: Rope Battle x 15s

15s Rest

A4: DB Curl & Press x 15s


Rest 90s Between rounds 

Complete 3-4 Rounds


Other Good Exercises you can use:

Medball – Chest Throws, Rotational Slams, Side Passes

Battle Ropes – Slams, Butterfly In, Butterfly Out, Shoulders 2 Knees

Dumbbells – Lateral Raises, Curls, Front Raises

Work:Rest Ratios – 20s On : 10s Off, 10s On : 20s Off, 30s On : 30s Off, and of course adjust the number of rounds etc!

Now you have no excuse not to keep in shape during an injury. Give this a go and let us know how you get on!!

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