Rugby Renegade Training Programme Template: Build Your Own Training Programmes

It is extremely important for you long term success to keep track of what you do in the gym. We’ve created an Excel Programme Template that will help you write awesome training programmes for you and/or your players. It’s saved us tons of time when writing programmes and it will do the same for you whilst making you a better athlete.

Here’s just a few benefits of keeping track of your training properly:

  1. You won’t just “wing” sessions and do Bench and Curls!
  2. You know exactly what weights you lifted last week and what you need to lift next week.
  3. You see patterns in what works and what doesn’t.
  4. You can pick out your own strengths and weaknesses as you go.
  5. You don’t have to think, you just turn up and put all your energy into your training.
  6. You ensure constant progress towards your performance goals.

Don’t let programming slow you down! save time, effort and energy for your training!

Not an Excel whizz? Don’t worry, we’ve put together a demo to explain how to use the programme template to get the most out of it…

This is really a one off as it is completely customisable to you, we haven’t locked one cell so you can do with it as you please. If you use it with your team you can change the colours and logo to suit and add any loading parameters you like. Once they are on there you can re-use them at the click of a button saving you hours of time!

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It! Here’s What Legendary Rugby Strength Coach Ashley Jones Said About our Programme Template: 

ashley-jones-rugby-renegade“Just finished playing around with your spreadsheet programme generator and it has certainly been a revelation, I have not really been one for spreadsheets when programming, I have usually been a whiteboard and fill in your workouts on a sheet then transfer across to a data base but the ease with which you have put this together along with the excellent video on Vimeo as a tutorial has given me a new method to plan and program with, the ease of input and also modification of the existing templates with personalisation of methods makes this a must have for any strength coach, young or old, amateur or professional, congratulations on adding another excellent tool to my tool box and for the services that you provide, Cheers, Ash”

IMG_4248“Ive really enjoyed using and adapting your spreadsheet programme generator and it has certainly been a massive time and labour saving asset, I wish I’d have had this from the start of my career as this saves me so much time and hassle when programming. It’s Really easy to use, modify and input and I also like the ability to personalise the already inputted methods . I highly recommend this product to all coaches and individuals of all levels looking for a great tool to help them plan and effectively track and progress their training or the training of the athletes they look after.” 

Ryan Gibney – Head Strength Coach at The Athlete Factory

Get Access to our Gym Programme Template Now…

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