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Rugby Renegade

Membership Program: In Season 2122 Block 3 – Day 28 Recovery

Pre-Season Rugby Training: The Complete Guide

Level up your Training Now! Pre-Season Rugby Training Pre-season is a time of year that holds a significant importance for rugby players. It is feared by many as a brutal
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Membership Program: Pre Season 2122 – Block 1 Day 22 Lower Body Weights & Speed

Adductor Injury Prevention: Rugby Proof

For our first in season injury prevention block we will be looking at the adductors (groin). It’s another group of muscles that are susceptible to tears, strains and tendon issues
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Hydration for Rugby

Hydration for Rugby: All you need to know

HYDRATION The human body can survive without food for up 30-40 days; the human body can survive without water for 3 days. That is why water comes before sleep and
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Membership Program: Off Season 1920 Block 2 – Day 24 Injury Prevention. Adductors

Rugby Proof: Optimal Recovery

Welcome to the Rugby Renegade Recovery Bible and I’m sure if you’ve ever played a game of rugby you’ll know about the wonderful soreness that you experience for a day,
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rugby renegade physio

Rugby Proof: Injury Prevention

Welcome to the Rugby Proof series by Rugby Renegade. In this article we are going to discuss our injury prevention approach for rugby players. A lot of attention has been
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5 Ways To Improve Your Sleep For Rugby Players

Improve Your Sleep For Rugby Players: Our 5 Top Tips

We always hear that sleep is important but we often just pay it lip service! In this article we show relevant research highlighting the negative effects of impaired sleep and
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Should Rugby Players Olympic Lift? Yes, Our 10 reasons

Here at Rugby Renegade we love the olympic lifts and they make up an important part of our training programmes. We understand that they aren’t for everyone however and have
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7 Common Off Season Rugby Training Mistakes

The offseason is a crucial training period in a rugby player’s calendar. Once you have recovered physically and mentally from the rigours of games you will have a new energy for
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Rugby Proof Injury Prevention: Neck

Neck Injury Prevention: Rugby Proof

Welcome to the latest edition of the Rugby Proof Renegade series. This is a series of pre-habilitation programs aimed at injury reduction for the rugby athlete. Neck strengthening has been
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Membership Program: Off Season 1920 Block 2 – Day 24 Injury Prevention. Adductors

Ankle Injury Prevention: Rugby Proof

Welcome to the ankle edition of the Rugby Proof Renegade series. This is a series of pre-habilitation programs aimed at injury reduction for the rugby athlete. In this part we
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